Instructors and loaders
We offer the very best shooting instructors for in field tuition
Instructors and loaders
Professional assistance on your peg
Having personal tuition on a driven game day can be equally beneficial for an experienced shot as it is for a novice, as to honing his/her shooting skills and to become a more consistent shot. This can be improving on the approach to the bird, bird selection, footwork and reading the speed and the line of the bird.
On the shooting school, a qualified instructor can teach you the gun handling, safety, stance and approach to the target. However, it is much more involved knowing just when to start your approach to your shot at a game bird as the bird is not necessarily flying in a strait line nor at a consistant speed. Bird selection sounds easy until you are confronted with a flush of birds approaching you all at the same time. An experienced shot will know which bird is the optimal to choose, whereas a novice game shot will most likely struggle with this.
Our founder, Willie Cole, is undoubtedly on of the leading shooting instructors in the world. With over 50 years of experience and passion for instruction both on shooting schools, shooting clubs and in the field, he is the mentor and tutor of many of the best shooting instructors in the UK as well as worldwide. Due to Willie’s expertice and legacy, WL Sporting has a strong working relationship and engagement with educational programs on the world’s best shooting schools and shooting clubs. We pride ourselves with being able to offer some of the best shooting instructors in the world to our clients.
When you are ready to take the next step with your game shooting career, do not hesitate to contact us!

We arrange loaders for those clients who are interested in assistance on their peg. Loaders are primarily there to offer a helping hand service with carrying your gun(s) and cartridges, marking your shot birds and to keep you safe. Your loader can be a WL Sporting loader, or an estate loader. The loaders are often local to the estate and hence knows the drives well, i.e. where the birds flush from and where they are heading for example.
We advise that you ask us to arrange a loader/loaders for you/your team on booking of your shoot day in order for us to secure your favourite WL Sporting loader, or estate loader.

Are you planning ahead?